• 613-354-3761
  • This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

NDCC Website Help / FAQ

Download or Open [PDF]

First-time Login

How do I login for the first time?


Logon and Member Profile Questions

How can I change my password?
How can I change my email address?
How can I find my password if I don't remember it?
How can I find my NDCC Username?
How can I find the email address or phone number for another NDCC member


Spares and Volunteers (must be logged in)

How can I add my name to a Spare list?
I'm looking for a Spare?
I want to volunteer?

First Time Login

  1. Load http://www.ndcc.ca/
  1. On right panel under “Member Login”

Password – Retrieving a New One

1. Click the Forgot Login? button under the Member Login section.

2. Check the Lost Password checkbox.

  1. 3.Enter your NDCC Username: format firstname_lastname

[For example: jane_doe]

  1. Enter your E-mail Address stored in the NDCC database

[if unsure email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.]

5. Click the Send Password button

6. You should receive an email with a new system-generated password. Use this to login.

Napanee & District Curling Club- New password for: Jane_Doe

Your New Password is: ShhCiEflW5ab

7. You can now follow the “How can I change my password?” instructions to set your password to something that will be more easily remembered.

How can I change my password?

For most users, the NDCC system user ID is simply your first and last names separated by an underscore e.g. Jane_Doe. However, it may be difficult to remember your password (as the initial password was system generated). Here are the steps to change your password to something that you find easier to remember:

1. Log into the Member’s Section of the ndcc.ca site

2. In the Member's Menu select the My Information link

3. Click the Edit button in the upper left and then select Update Your Profile

4. Click the User Info tab; enter your new password in both the Password and Verify Password boxes.

5. Click the Update button at the bottom to save your new password

Note: Password must be at least6 characters long and contain lower and uppercase letters, numbers and special signs – no spaces.

6. Logout and log back in with username and new password.

How can I change my email address?

If you would like to change the email address that in the NDCC database, here are the steps:

  1. Log into the system and select "My Information" tab in the upper left corner
  2. Select Edit tab and choose "update your profile"
  3. Select the tab for "user info"
  4. Enter your new email address
  5. Click the Update button at the bottom to save your new email address
  6. Inform your League Director or the Membership Director.

How can I find my password if I don't remember it?

  1. Click the "Forgot Login?" button on the Member Login section
  2. Click the "Lost Password" checkbox
  3. Enter your NDCC username
  4. Enter your email address (the one on the NDCC database)
  5. Click the "Send Password" button
  6. You should receive an email with a newly generated password
  7. You can use the "Change Password"

How can I find my NDCC Username?

  1. Click the "Forgot Login?" button on the Member Login section
  2. Click the "Lost Username" checkbox
  3. Enter your email address (the one on the NDCC database)
  4. Click the "Send Username" button
  5. You should receive an email with your username
  6. You can use this to log onto the website. If you don't remember your password you can use the "Forgot Password"

How can I find the email address or phone number for another NDCC member?

  1. Click the Member Search menu option toward the bottom of the Members Menu
  2. Enter your search criteria (e.g., first part of person's last name)
  3. Click Search
  4. You will see a list of members matching your search criteria
  5. You will see phone numbers for these members
  6. Click Email checkbox at the right to send an email to a member
  7. Click the "Email All Selected" button
  8. You will then see a window to enter your email subject and body text
  9. Press "Send Your Email" when you are done entering your email. This will send the email to everyone you selected in your search.

Want to add your name to a Spare list? (must be logged in)

In the Member Menu panel down the right side of each page, under Member Information select My Sparing Availability.

Once inside, select the league(s) you are Available to spare in and click Save at the bottom of the page, it's that simple. If you wish, you can indicate a desired position.

If there are periods of time throughout the year that you won't be available to spare, you can always go in and make yourself Not Available and again click the Save function.

Looking for a Spare? (must be logged in) 

In the Member Menu panel down the right side of each page, under League Information select Spare Lists.

Once inside, select your league and a listing of spares and their contact information will be displayed.

If you select the Email button (appearing at the bottom of the page), the system will dispatch an email message to each individual you have selected.

When the system sends an email, it does so without displaying recipients' mailing addresses to the sender – thus maintaining privacy. 

Want to Volunteer? (must be logged in)

In the Member Menu panel down the right side of each page, under Member Information select My Volunteer Availabilities.

Once inside, select a Volunteer Role you would be interested in and click Save at the bottom of the page.

Member Login

Upcoming Events

14 Feb 2025;
08:00AM - 05:00PM
15 Feb 2025;
09:00AM - 12:00PM
GKC Juniors Bonspiel
15 Feb 2025;
02:00PM - 06:00PM
Private Rental
16 Feb 2025;
10:00AM - 12:00PM
Junior League
16 Feb 2025;
02:00PM -
Sunday League
21 Feb 2025;
08:00AM - 05:00PM
22 Feb 2025;
Ladies Highland Lassie Bonspiel
23 Feb 2025;
10:00AM - 12:00PM
Junior League
23 Feb 2025;
02:00PM -
Sunday League
01 Mar 2025;
08:00AM -
Private Rental - Black/Dickson


178 York Street
PO Box 221 
Napanee, ON

Contact Us

Phone: 613-354-3761   

Email: info@ndcc.ca


About the Club ...

Napanee curling began in the 1890's on the Napanee River & continued outdoors into the 1920's. Women joined the sport with the formation of the present club, which first curled in the arena from 1957-1960 and in the present facility since 1961. The Napanee & District Curling Club is a not for profit, membership-owned club.